Category: Beautiful Memories

  • Animated and not Animated GIF

    Animated and not Animated GIF

    I found these in an old file folder on an old hard drive. They remind me of the old websites I used to make, long long ago, when animated GIF were AMA-zing and it took big graphics forever to load… and hamsters would dance. Anyways, I thought someone might enjoy them. By the way, when did […]

  • Gareth Lochhead, I’ll miss you forever

    Gareth Lochhead, I’ll miss you forever

    This morning I sat down at my computer and logged into facebook to see that the world had lost one of the kindest souls I have ever had the pleasure of being able to call my friend.  My heart hurts terribly, for his loss is so unexpected, so early, too soon, and I ache for […]