Tech at the Temple



Welcome to Below is the blog, above are the pages. Read as you will. Engage if you want. Thank you for stopping by.
  • Teaching Newbies GAFE – How to teach the basic menus and operations in Google Slides

    Teaching Newbies GAFE – How to teach the basic menus and operations in Google Slides

    For my dissertation I will be giving several classes on different Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Apps and uses for them in your classroom. I thought it might be useful for other teachers and PD Developers to know how you can teach newbies the basics of programs like Google Slides without stressing them out. I […]

  • Basics of Google Apps for Education

    Basics of Google Apps for Education

    For my dissertation I will be giving several classes on different Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Apps and uses for them in your classroom. But the first class will be on what exactly GAFE is and why you might use it. I will be streaming it as a live hangout tonight, but it will be […]

  • Maps for Mystery Hangouts

    Maps for Mystery Hangouts

    If you don’t know what a Mystery Hangout/Mystery Skype/Mystery Location Call is and you are a teacher… especially a geography, language, or world cultures teacher… then you are missing out. Essentially it is a real-time 20 questions game between students in two different classrooms. You can only ask Yes/No questions and each side takes turns. […]

  • A History of Educational Technology

    A History of Educational Technology

    I was asked to create a history or timeline in the field of Educational Technology back in 2012. At the time I spent a lot of work on it, and I felt like I learned a lot. I cannot believe how much I have learned since then, just 3 years ago. Here is my timeline […]

  • Article Review – Death by PowerPoint

    Isseks, M. (2011). How PowerPoint Is Killing Education. Educational Leadership, 68(5), 74–76. Retrieved from In this article, Isseks (2011) makes the case that using PowerPoint in the classroom has been changing learning in the classroom, and not in a good way.  Instead of a class where the students have to read information, take notes […]

  • How you know you live in Japan, September 1st, 2015

    I keep forgetting to post this one. I know I live in Japan because I saw children’s beer on markdown at Toys R Us. Sangria brand and everything. Non-alcoholic, of course. But beer, none the less.

  • How you know you are back in the USA

    Okay, so I took these while I was home, and I wanted to share here, too. I have lived abroad for awhile, so there are some things I see when I am home that you just don’t see elsewhere. This will be my gallery.  

  • I live in a tea house. In Kyoto. So things can’t be that bad.

    I’m tired. I get up. I get kids ready. I go to work. I work… hard. Then I come home. Make kids eat. Wash kids. Then try to make them sleep. Then I work on 18 different projects. Then I sleep. Then I do it again. I understand that millions of other people do the […]

  • Article Review – Action Research in TESOL Teacher Education

    DelliCarpini, M. (2012). ACTION RESEARCH – BUILDING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY SKILLS IN TESOL TEACHER EDUCATION. Language Learning & Technology, 16(2), 14–23. Retrieved from   Summary of article: The article is an action research project trying to directly find an understanding of why there is a gap between teacher candidates’ knowledge of educational technology and their […]

  • My Past Predictions, Vol. 1

    I wrote this back in October of 2012… I find it interesting how it came true 🙂 “My area of specialization is Professional Development, but I have been moving my focus to learn more about educational technology for ESOL and ESL classes, most often called CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). I have been learning while […]

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